Tuesday, October 11, 2011

巧克力薄荷杯子糕(Chocolate Mint Cupcake)


材料A (Ingredients A):
Chocolate Cupcake:
牛油 Butter -100g
细糖 Caster Sugar - 80g
鸡蛋 Egg - 2 pcs
自发粉 Self Raising Flour - 120g
可可粉Cocoa Powder - 20g
牛奶 Milk - 40g
巧克力 Chocolate - 50g

步骤 A (Step A):
1. 将巧克力溶化,倒入牛奶,搅浑至光滑。
2. 伴和牛油和细糖以至混合成体。
3. 加入一个鸡蛋,搅浑后再加入另一个鸡蛋。
4. 将其他干材料加入,以中等速度搅浑。
5. 倒入步骤一的巧克力和牛奶,轻搅拌几次即可。
6. 倒入已备好在松饼蝸锅的纸杯,放进180摄氏度的烘炉烘焙至褐色,大约20分钟。
7. 用牙签插入蛋糕,取出牙签时,牙签没有粘上面糊即可取出待凉。

1. Melt chocolate and pour in boil milk, mix until smooth
2. Blend butter, brown sugar together until soft
3. Add eggs gradually
4. Add the sifted dry ingredients, blend in low speed
5. Fold in chocolate and milk, don't over mix
6. Scoop into muffin pan and bake at 180℃ until brown , about 20mins
7. Insert a toothpick to one of the cupcake to make sure there it does not stick with any flour pate, remove the muffin pan to the oven.

材料 B (Ingredients B):
Mint Frosting:
糖霜 Icing Sugar - 200g
牛油 Butter - 70g
牛奶 Milk - 2 tsp
薄荷精 Peppermint extract - 1/2 tsp
青色色素 - Green food colouring - 2 drops or as needed

步骤 B (Step B):
1. 将牛油,糖霜,牛奶,薄荷精 以及青色色素一起混合搅拌,直至光滑
2. 待蛋糕凉了,用花嘴挤出漂亮的花纹,再添加巧克力粒即可。

1. Combine butter, icing sugar, milk, peppermint extract, and a couple of drops of green food colouring until smooth.
2. Frost cooled cake and decorate with icing tools, add some chocolate chips.

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